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I. Purpose

A. 最全菠菜网院(“学院”)旨在通过鼓励合作来促进和谐的工作环境, 员工与主管之间的合作和尊重关系,但认识到在雇佣范围内可能出现的合法问题和意见分歧.

B. 学院制定此员工投诉政策(“政策”),以确保员工对工作条件的投诉, disciplinary actions, or alleged violations of policy, procedures, rules, 指导方针或规定得到迅速和仔细的考虑,并以公平的方式解决, consistent manner.

C. The College has established this Policy and the accompanying Procedures in order to provide an effective means of resolving grievances without the necessity of federal or state remedies; the College recognizes that Employees have the right to file complaints with various federal and state agencies.

II. Scope and Applicability

A. This Policy applies to all College employees, including full-time faculty, staff, administrators, and College officers; part-time faculty, staff, and administrators; contractual employees; and temporary employees.

B. This Policy applies to any grievance that is alleged by a College employee, including Police Officers, as defined below.

C. This Policy does not apply to any grievance that is alleged against a Police Officer, as defined below, 因为这些申诉都要遵守马里兰州警察责任法案和相关的公共安全协议, 除非安妮阿伦德尔县行政收费委员会或审判委员会对申诉不行使管辖权, in which case this Policy will apply.

D. This Policy does not apply to matters set forth in the Exceptions Section.

E. This Policy does not apply to volunteers.

F. To the extent that the College Manual conflicts with this Policy, this Policy supersedes the College Manual.

III. Definitions

A. 雇员指的是目前受雇于学院或在申诉行为发生时受雇于学院的人员.

B. Grievance means a complaint by an Employee(s) regarding working conditions; disciplinary actions, up to and including involuntary terminations; alleged violations of policy, procedures, rules, guidelines, and/or regulations that do not have a specific complaint resolution procedure; interpretation and application of general employment policies, procedures, rules, guidelines, and/or regulations to specific Employees; or work-related disputes between an Employee(s) and the Employee’s supervisor(s).

C. Grievant means the Employee(s) who has filed a Grievance.

D. 调解是涉及争议的员工在调解员的协助下确定争议问题的过程, develop options, consider alternatives, and endeavor to reach an agreement to resolve the dispute.

E. Mediation Procedure means the Mediation of Employee Grievances Procedure.

F. 警官是指已被马里兰州警察和惩戒训练委员会认证为警官的个人, including special police officers, is authorized to enforce the general criminal laws of the State of Maryland, 并受聘于学院公共安全和警察系,担任学院警官, except the Chief of Department of Public Safety and Police. 就本政策及随附程序而言,公共安全人员不属于警务人员的定义范围.

G. Prohibited Action means conduct that violates College policies, procedures, rules, guidelines, regulations, and/or the College Manual; improperly applies employee policies, procedures, rules, or regulations; creates an inappropriate working condition; or improperly disciplines an Employee.

H. 被告指在申诉中被指控犯有被禁止行为的学院雇员.

I. Retaliation means intimidating, threatening, coercing, harassing, causing physical harm, taking unwarranted adverse employment action, 或以其他方式歧视个人,因为个人提交申诉或参与对申诉的调查或决定, including as a witness or decision maker.

IV. Grievances

A. Any Employee may file a complaint known as a “Grievance” for any matter that is grievable, including working conditions; disciplinary actions, up to and including involuntary terminations; alleged violations of policy, procedures, rules, guidelines, and/or regulations that do not have a specific complaint resolution procedure; interpretation and application of general employment policies, procedures, rules, and/or regulations to specific Employees; or work-related disputes between an Employee(s) and the Employee’s supervisor(s).

B. Prior to filing a Grievance, 鼓励员工根据《最全菠菜网》与被投诉人进行非正式讨论,尽一切努力解决投诉.

C. Where informal discussions between the Employee and the Respondent do not resolve the issue, 员工可根据《菠菜网最稳定正规平台(中国)有限公司》要求调解,或根据《最全菠菜网》规定的正式申诉程序提出申诉.

D. 根据员工申诉程序,投诉人可以在正式申诉程序的任何步骤通过提交书面请求撤回申诉.

V. Prohibition on Retaliation

A. Retaliation of any kind by any Employee (e.g., academic chair, supervisor, (或同事)根据本政策或随附程序对任何其他员工进行投诉.

B. If an Employee believes that the Employee has been the subject of Retaliation, 员工可将该指控纳入员工申诉中,或根据本政策和员工申诉程序单独提交申诉.

VI. Exceptions

A. 以下事项不受本政策和员工申诉程序的约束,不属于可申诉事项:

1. An Employee’s performance evaluation or the issuance of a performance improvement tool;

2. 学院公布的政策、程序、规章、方针和/或规章的内容;

3. 终止临时或代理职位,并使员工恢复到原来的职位;

4. 根据其他学院政策或程序授权的任何其他已建立的投诉解决或上诉程序进行裁决的事项, 包括但不限于大学关于平等机会和非歧视的政策和程序, Title IX and Sexual Misconduct, and major sanctions against a tenured or tenure-track faculty member;

5. 关于员工在试用期和临时雇员的地位的决定(例如.g., whether to grant regular status);

6. Resignation;

7. Non-renewal of a contract for employment;

8. 投诉人无直接利益或主要影响其他雇员的事项;

9. 员工之间的人际纠纷,没有上升到违反学校政策的程度, procedure, rules, guidelines, and/or regulations;

10. Compensation and/or benefits;

11. Exempt or nonexempt status under state or federal laws;

12. Conclusions regarding employment background checks;

13. Position classifications, position reclassifications, salary grade level, constituency membership, position qualification standards, establishment and abolition of classifications, and allocation of positions to classifications;

14. Job descriptions;

15. Placement on paid administrative leave;

16. Allegations against a Police Officer; and

17. Matters that arises out of the same facts and circumstances, which have already been the subject of a Grievance.

B. 本政策和员工申诉程序的适用只有在提出的问题不属于申诉问题或未及时提交的情况下才可被拒绝, in accordance with the Dismissal of Grievance Section of the Employee Grievance Procedure. 如果某一事项符合申诉的定义,且不属于上述例外情况,则该事项为可申诉事项.

C. 而员工之间的人际纠纷是不可申诉的,也不受正式申诉程序的约束, 员工为协助解决人际纠纷,得依调解程序申请调解.

Policy Title: Employee Grievance Policy

Policy Category: Human Resources

Policy Owner: President

Policy Administrator: Executive Director of Human Resources

Contact Information: Suzanne Boyer,, 410-777-2045

Approval Date: October 10, 2023

Effective Date: October 16, 2023

History: Previously contained in the College Manual

Applies to: All College employees

Related Policies: N/A

Related Procedures:

Forms/Guidelines: N/A

Relevant Laws:

  • Md. Code, Public Safety, § 3-201
  • Middle States Accreditation Standard II (Ethics and Integrity)